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Successful Tips for Plant Upkeep

Planting flowers

South Florida is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country. While these landscapes may look the same, each has unique plant maintenance requirements and needs for plant care. When it comes to learning how to take care of plants, the following are some tips we recommend to keep everything growing tall and strong.


Pay Attention to Lighting

Determine the proper lighting for your plants based on the specific needs of the plant type.

All plants need light to grow, but not all plants need the same amount of light. It is important to make sure that each plant has the proper direct, indirect or diffused lighting so that it thrives and doesn’t burn and wither away. When it comes to plant care, getting the right lighting  always sets the stage for a long and healthy growth cycle.


Plan Your Pots Carefully

Consider pot size and type before initial planting.

Pots should allow for sufficient drainage and should be chosen so that they are the right size for the plant. Further, the potting mix should have the right mixture of vermiculite, peat moss and other organic materials. These factors will combine to create a healthy environment for the plant to grow in.


Repot As Plants Grow

Repot your plants to add fresh soil and account for new growth.

Young plants that are still actively growing should be repotted once a year. Larger plants should be repotted every two years. If your plants start to look “sad” in their pots, it’s often an indication that the plant has outgrown the pot and is ready to move on to something a bit larger.


Don’t Drown Your Plants

Avoid overwatering to prevent edema, root rot, and wilting.

Plants with large, leafy foliage typically need more water than plants with smaller, waxy or leathery foliage. A plant’s needs will change throughout the seasons so pay close attention to the plant’s appearance and adjust your watering regimen accordingly. As you learn how to take care of plants, pay close attention to what your plants are telling you about their watering needs.


Feed and Fertilize as Needed

Plant nutrition is one of the most important decisions to consider before growing a new plant.

Plants need nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other trace minerals, including calcium and magnesium, to grow. Selecting a balanced fertilizer will replenish the soil of the nutrients consumed by the plant. Always apply fertilizer to the soil because it can scorch any leaves it comes into contact with. If you notice weak growth, pale leaves, weak stems or a decline in flowering, it’s a good indication that it is time to add fertilizer to the soil.     


Plant Maintenance You Can Depend On

Plant Professionals can help you maintain your garden, flower beds, lawns, etc. throughout the seasons in Miami. We invite you to contact us at 786-574-6872 to discuss your needs and to discover the methods we use to keep your South Florida property looking pristine all year long.